Benson at a Glance
Since inception, the Benson Management Corporation has facilitated the funding of 594 deals with a total value of over $228 million. The Benson Mortgage Investment Corporation managed nearly half of these deals, by number and by loan value.
Investments in Benson Mic 2023
The Benson MIC accepts all forms of registered investments. In 2023, RRSP and TFSA investments into the MIC exceeded 20%, with all Registered Accounts nearing 25%.
We Strive to Lower Risk & Increase Return
We pride ourselves on avoiding risky deals, while providing a solid return notwithstanding. Over 73% of the loans made through the Benson MIC have LTV ratios less than 75%. Safer, but not any less profitable—91% of the loans that we made in 2023 command an interest rate of 10.99% or greater.
91% of the loans that we made in 2023 command an interest rate of 10.99% or greater.
Mortgage assets by value
Mortgage assets by deal
Mortgage deals by LTV
Mortgage deals by note rate
What is a Mortgage Investment Corporation (MIC)?
A MIC is a company authorized by Canada’s Income Tax Act to provide investors with an opportunity to invest in a diversified pool of mortgage loans, which are secured by real property.
How do MICs generate income for investors?
MICs generate income primarily through interest earned on mortgage loans. This income is then distributed to shareholders as dividends, which are typically issued monthly or quarterly.
Are investments in MICs secure?
Investments in MICs are secured against real estate. While this provides a level of security, like all investments, there is risk involved. The security level depends on the properties' quality and the loan-to-value ratio of the mortgages.
What are the tax implications of investing in a MIC?
Dividends paid by MICs are treated as interest income for tax purposes in Canada, meaning they are fully taxable. However, if held in a registered account like an RRSP, TFSA, or RRIF, the dividends can grow tax-free or be tax-deferred.
Can I include MIC shares in my retirement portfolio?
Yes, MIC shares are eligible for inclusion in registered retirement accounts such as RRSPs, TFSAs, and RRIFs, which can provide tax-efficient growth and income.
How do MICs manage risk and ensure the stability of returns?
MICs manage risk by adhering to strict lending criteria, such as maintaining conservative loan-to-value ratios, diversifying their mortgage portfolio across different geographic locations and property types, and conducting thorough due diligence on borrowers and properties. Additionally, MIC managers often use professional risk assessment and management strategies to protect investors.
Investor Position
Only 1% of our deals in 2023 involved third charge priority, with first-charge mortgages accounting for 56% of all deals. This trend showcased our strategy of always negotiating for better and greater security for our investors.
Mortgage assets by priority
2023 ROI
Since inception, Benson MIC investors have received close to $5.4 million,
with over 23.4% of the total, or more than $1.26 million, paid as distributions in 2023 alone.

LTV Ratio

Note Rate

Return Rate

Deals Funded

Total Deals
